DSF Provides Multiple Grants, Helping Those in the DS Family

Thanks to those of you who donate to DSF, we have been able to help many in our DS family this past month with grants totaling $7,000 to those in need:

  • $2,500 to the family of a local guard at the US Embassy Accra (Ghana), who succumbed to complications of COVID-19. He is survived by his wife and three young children.

  • $1,000 to a local guard at the US Embassy Sarajevo (Bosnia & Herzegovina), to help with funeral costs for his son who recently passed away.

  • $2,500 to a local guard at the US Embassy Rangoon (Burma), to help with uninsured medical costs for her daughter’s cancer treatments.

  • $1,000 to a local guard at the U.S. Embassy Khartoum (Sudan), to cover uninsured medical costs for surgery for his infant daughter.

These are just a few of the grants we have made this year. You can visit our GRANTS page for a complete list. And we hope you’ll also visit our DONATE page and make a gift to DSF so that we can continue to provide for those in our global DS family.

To those of you who have already donated, THANK YOU for your generosity.