The subsequent videos showcase testimonials from RSOs who have directly experienced the impactful outcomes of a DSF grant. They vividly illustrate how a grant from DSF can catalyze transformative changes, often profoundly altering lives. DSF stands out for its ability to swiftly address aid requests, often serving as the sole available option. Explore our Current Grants & Prior Grants pages for a comprehensive overview of DSF's grant-making history since 2005.
The views and opinions expressed in these videos are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent.
Have you requested and received a DSF grant? Send us a testimonial! See instructions below.
RSO Cairo 2024 - $6,000 to a local guard as US Embassy Cairo (Egypt) to help cover uninsured medical costs associated with an illness. He has been with the embassy for 22 years.
RSO Almaty 2023 - $3,000 to the family of a local guard at US Consulate Almaty (Kazakhstan) who died unexpectedly of natural causes. He had been with the consulate for one year and leaves behind a wife and daughter.
RSO Phnom Penh 2023 - $5,000 (plus an additional $2,000) to a local guard at US Embassy Phnom Penh (Cambodia) to help with medical cost associated with injuries suffered when he was struck by a container truck on his way home from his residential post.
RSO Managua 2023 - $3,000 to the family of a local guard at US Embassy Managua (Nicaragua) who was killed in a traffic accident on his way to work. He leaves behind a wife and two children, ages 8 and 13.
Video Testimonials for DSF
Did you request a DSF grant for a colleague? Do you believe the DSF grant was impactful to the recipient? Would you be willing to provide us with a testimonial video sharing your experience?
The video need not be long, perhaps 1-2 minutes, professional in nature (appropriate backdrop, quality resolution and sound, etc.), capture the nature of the incident that prompted the request, and how the grant aided the recipient/s. Most importantly, we want the testimonies to be heartfelt. If you’d prefer not to use the employee’s name in the video, you can simply say “local guard” or “LES colleague,” etc. Others with expertise in videography/social media/outreach may be able to assist you in the development of this video.
Here is additional guidance from DS/PA. Those who agree to do a video testimony must complete the top portion of the this form, get their supervisor's approval, and send it to DS/PA ( for clearance. Please note that when you do this in your personal capacity, you SHOULD identify as a DSS special agent using FIRST NAME ONLY. DSF will include a disclaimer that you are speaking in a personal capacity and that any views shared are your own.
Please contact DSF at for more information and to directions on how to submit your ad. Thank you!