Look Who's Raising Money For Us!
We're so fortunate to have so many people willing to raise money on our behalf. Check out who's doing what. Maybe it will inspire you to do something similar?! Email us with your idea and we'll help you get started!
$41,157 Donated to support US MISSION TURKEY “FAMILY”
On February 6, 2023, southeastern Turkey was devastated by multiple earthquakes. There were more than 40,000 casualties and 100,000 injured, the total collapse of thousands of buildings, and the displacement of millions of people. According to the RSO/US Mission Turkey, their Local Guard Force (LGF), Surveillance Detection, and Bodyguard members from Consulate Adana and Embassy Branch Office Gaziantep were not immune from this devastation and heartache. With both the Consulate and Embassy Branch Office being in provinces severely affected by the earthquakes, all 142 of their staff and their families were displaced from their homes, and many lost family members - parents, aunts and uncles, cousins, and friends.
Through the generosity of our donors, more than $41,000 was donated and sent to Mission Turkey to support our DSF "family" in Turkey.
US Embassy Dili Again Hosts Negroni Night To Raise Funds for DSF

Once again, the fabulous crew at US Embassy Dili, Timor-Leste managed to host their annual Negroni Night and raised $700 for DSF! Although delayed several months by COVID-19, fortunately, Dili had no cases of COVID, so they were able to host a small but generous crowd.
As always, we owe a big thank you to our friend Lech Kazmirski, RSO US Embassy Dili, Timor-Leste, for organizing & hosting his “world famous” Negroni Night to benefit DSF!
Lech started this event in 2015 at in Lilongwe, Malawi , moved it to the US Embassy Dakar in 2016 and the party was moved to Dili starting last year. All the proceeds from the evening come to DSF and we so appreciate Lech for his continued support of our mission. We also want to thank everyone at Dili who participated and donated to this year’s event!
Negroni Night at US Embassy Dili
A huge thank you to our friend Lech Kazmirski, RSO US Embassy Dili, Timor-Leste, for once again hosting his “world famous” Negroni Night to benefit DSF. Lech has been doing this for a few years now and it gets better every year. He started this event in 2016 at US Embassy Dakar and continued it every year until this year when he moved the party to Dili. From the pictures below, looks like everyone had a good time. All the proceeds of the evening go to DSF. Even though Dili is small, their efforts were mighty, as this year’s event raised $708 for DSF. Isn't that awesome?? Thank you Lech for your continuing support of DSF, and thanks to everyone at Dili who participated in this year’s event.
US Embassy Cotonou 2019 NPW 5K
As part of DSSAA’s efforts to encourage participation in the 2019 National Police Week 5K event, our friends at US Embassy Cotonou held their own fun race. These photos are members of U.S. Marine Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team (FAST) members who took part in the 5K as well. They were in town for a two-week contingency response exercise the Embassy held as part of the larger Judicious Activation exercise series for DOD. US Embassy Cotonou raised $405 for DSF. Way to go Team Cotonou/FAST!!
US Embassy Kathmandu 2018 DS Charity Race
This year, US Embassy Kathmandu sponsored the ever popular 6th Annual DS Charity Run on Saturday, September 29. Over 160 participants walked, ran or volunteered along the 5k route that started and ended at the Embassy. Americans, Local Staff, family members and even a few local security forces took advantage of the beautiful weather to support the DS Foundation. The entry fee included a donation, a commemorative t-shirt, and a hearty breakfast provided by the American Mission Association. The fastest man and woman also earned well-deserved medals. A total of $250 was donated to DSF. Every penny counts - thanks Team Kathmandu!
Combined federal campaign
Making a pledge through the CFC is a great and easy way to support DSF. Annually, we receive almost $20,000 via the CFC. Not only do we get donations earmarked for DSF, we also get a share of donations that arent earmarked (General Fund). So make your pledge today and support DSF.
Our CFC number is 96262.
Thanks to the DS/EX Management office staff for hosting a CFC awareness bake sale!

RSO TallinN - 5K Fun Run
On October 13, 2017, over 70 participants gathered at the Marine Security Guard Residence (MSGR) for the 2nd Annual Diplomatic Security Service 5K Fun Run/Walk. Donations were accepted in support of the DS Foundation and participants received a commemorative T-shirt. USG employees, family members (of both the human and canine variety), locally employed staff, members of the local guard force, and many Estonian law enforcement contacts took part in this fun and worthy cause. Participants ran, jogged, and walked along a 2.5 KM route near the MSGR before doubling back to the finish line. Our first finisher came in at 19 minutes and 37 seconds and our last group of walkers finished up in roughly 50 minutes.
Following the run, everyone relaxed and enjoyed some food and refreshments provided by the Embassy and the Marine Security Guard Detachment.
RSO Maputo
Our friends at US Embassy Maputo ran a 10K fun race in early September 2017 in conjuction with DSSAA's annual fun run. Group photo taken across the street from New Embassy Compound construction with bay and Indian Ocean in the background – reflects a diversified mix of US Embassy Maputo personnel and families. Event planner Maurice Brungardt kneeling up front wearing the red DS10K shirt next to Marine Security Guard holding the DS/RSO seal. Also in the crowd is David Root (Reginal Security Officer), Gunnery Sergeant Douglas Gross, the Marine Security Guard Detachment, and a cross section of personnel and families.
RSO Windhoek
We love this: Our friends at RSO Windhoek recently held a fundraiser for DSF in honor of the Afghan guards who died in the attack in Kabul on May 31. Their event raised $819.73, which they sent to us. (We sent $29,000 to the families of the Afghan guards) A HUGE thank you to ARSO Mike Snodgrass and everyone at Windhoek for helping us help others - you rock!!
US EMbassy Dakar
Our friends at US Embassy Community Dakar, Senegal hosted a "Negroni Night" - with all the proceeds going to DSF. They sent us a check for $675. Isn't that awesome?? Thanks to everyone who participated!
DS Centennial Whiskey Group
Here's a fun one: Thanks to everyone who was involved with the DS Centennial Whisky Group (here's a few "hardworking" members picking which Jack Daniels barrels to use - tough job!). Each bottle purchased included a donation to DSF. As a result, a grand total of $1,000 was donated to us. That's awesome! Thanks to all the lucky participants.