As we enter the 2020 holiday season, many of you and your families find yourselves bracing for smaller, more distant, yet perhaps more intimate holiday celebrations as this pandemic again ravages too many of our fellow citizens. Staying safe is all the more important as the number of those infected and dealing with serious illness increases as cold weather sets in. The tragedy of this pandemic and other disasters such as hurricanes and floods have combined to make this a challenging year for many in the larger DS family. The Diplomatic Security Foundation, thanks to your generous donations, has been able to help many affected by tragedy and loss.
Even as good news about the rapid development of multiple vaccines provides some very hopeful light at the end of the tunnel, distancing guidelines and social isolation continue to be keys to reaching the day when the disease can be effectively battled into submission. Unfortunately, for many of those in our extended DS family, those providing essential security, protecting our officers, families, and facilities, means continuing to go to work every day on the front lines at our embassies and consulates abroad. Many travel by bus or other crowded transportation methods, dealing with the public every day. And tragically, quite a few became very ill or perished, leaving behind families to deal with the anguish and loss, along with financial insecurity.
This is where the Foundation has stepped in and made a difference for many, despite having to cancel our major fundraising event, the 2020 DSF Mike Considine Golf Outing. Thanks to a remarkably generous donation by our largest donor, Chevron, and other companies and individuals who stepped up and allowed us to retain their golf outing donations, we have had a level of donations that, while lower overall, has given us the ability to meet most requests and help many of those in most dire need.
As this year comes to an end, please take a moment to reflect on how fortunate you and your family may be despite this year’s serious restrictions. Then take a moment to consider those who may not have been so fortunate, those in our DS family who lost loved ones or suffered other tragedies. If you have the ability, we hope you will consider making a year-end donation to DSF - large or small - so we can continue our mission of providing for those who have lost so much.
You can donate and help in several ways, including the following:
· Visit the DSF website and donate directly –
· Send us a check – DSF, 14383 Newbrook Dr Ste 300, PMB #408, Chantilly, VA 20151
· Donate through the Combined Federal Campaign – pick DSF #96262
· Shop at Amazon Smile and pick DSF as your charity of choice –
· Visit our website for other ways to donate:
· DSF is a 501(c)3 charity, making your donation 100% tax deductible
On behalf of the entire board of the DS Foundation, I hope I can count on your support.
Best regards for a happy, enjoyable, and safe Holiday Season.
Greg, Starr, DSF Board President