The 31st DSF Golf Outing:
2022 Event Raises Over $200,000

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Bobby Ward, Frank Vasquez, JR Arocho, Robert Karpowski

We’re happy to announce that the 31st Annual DSF Mike Considine Golf Outing, held on Monday June 6, 2022 was a smashing success! The event sold out a month ahead of time and had a tremendous turnout (288 golfers)! It was a beautiful day with sunny skies and 80 degree weather. Lunch served out on the course was such a big hit in 2021 that we did it again this year. We capped off the days activities with a post-golf reception in the golf clubhouse with snacks and drinks. There were lots of winners of awesome raffle prizes and there were Golf Galaxy gift cards for the top three teams.

Once again, our sponsors really kicked it up a notch. A huge shout out to our top sponsors: Chevron ($61K), Roku ($50K), Adobe ($25K) and Fiserv ($15K), who donated almost half of the sponsorship money we received. Our $10K sponsors, Cherokee Federal, GDIT, SOC and Xator, who have been supporting this event for years, deserve a round of applause!

Cam Burks and his fellow golfers from Team ROKU

We had a record number of sponsors: 54 sponsors of $500+up; and 41 sponsors at the Hole level ($150). This was one of our best years, netting us $203,000. Incredible! The money raised from this event will be used to support our mission of providing timely grants to those in the world-wide DS 'family' during times of need, as well as a number of scholarships (visit our GRANTS page for a full list of who we help).

Thanks to all our SPONSORS, golfers and volunteers for making this year's golf outing a smashing success! Be sure to check out our PHOTO page (as well as at the bottom of this page) from the event, and the GOLF PROGRAM. This event sold out a few weeks after we opened registration, so if you plan on joining us in Monday June 5, 2023, be sure to sign up early next spring! 

Thanks to our TOP SPONSORS!

Visit our Sponsor Page for a complete list of donors



Here are just a few photos from our event. Make sure to check out all the photos on our GOLF PHOTO page.

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