30th Annual DSF Charity Golf Outing
After Covid forced us to cancel our 2020 event, and push back our 2021 event from the spring to the fall, we were finally able to get everyone back together and out on the links for the 30th Annual DSF Mike Considine Golf Outing on Monday October 18, 2021 back out at our favorite golf course at the Lansdowne Resort. We were worried that turnout would be low, that people would be too cautious to attend, that luckily that wasn’t the case. We sold out the event a month ahead of time and had a tremendous turnout (288 golfers)! Even brand-new-to-the-job Assistant Secretary of State Gentry Smith was able to join us. And to say it was a beautiful day would be an understatement - a gorgeous, crisp fall day, you couldn’t ask for better golfing weather! We kept the entire event outside, including lunch served out on the course, and the post-golf reception was held on the large terrace behind the hotel, everyone seemed to enjoy mixing it up and doing things a little differently this year!
We were also surprised by the overwhelming generosity of our sponsors. We really didnt know what to expect as it has been a tough road since March 2020, for everyone, but especially many of our sponsors. But they jumped in and helped us out like never before! We had a record number of sponsors: forty eight sponsors of $500+up (shout out to Chevron, Adobe, Acuity Intl, Cherokee, GDIT, SOC and Xator who each donated $10K or more); and forty $150 Hole Sponsors. Our sponsors donated more money total than the 2019 event and the event netted us $170,000. Incredible! The money raised from this event will be used to support our mission of providing timely grants to those in the world-wide DS 'family' during times of need, as well as a number of scholarships (visit our GRANTS page for a full list of who we help).
Thanks to all our sponsors and friends for making this year's golf outing a smashing success! Be sure to check out our Photo page (as well as at the bottom of this page) from the event, and the Golf Program. This event sold out a few weeks after we opened registration. So if you plan on joining us in 2022, be sure to sign up soon!
DSF President Greg Starr, DSF VP John Hampson - Kearney & Co, Joe Bopp - Acuity International
Team DSS Marine Security Guards
Asst Sec of State for Diplomatic Security Gentry Smith and DSF VP John Hampson
Former DSF Board member Kim Gallant was a big raffle winner!
We can't thank our sponsors enough for their support of this event. A big shout out to our top sponsors: Chevron ($61,000) & Adobe ($25,000). Please check out the list of all our amazing sponsors. We had 288 golfers, 48 sponsors ($500+), 40 Hole Sponsors and 22 In-Kind sponsors. And if your name isn't on this year's list, we sure hope to see your name there next year!
A huge thank you to all our volunteers. It takes a lot of hands to pull this event off, we could not do it without our volunteers. Thank you to these companies for providing us with free labor - and really amazing people!
Accenture Federal, Acuity, Cherokee Federal, GDIT, PAE, and Xator
Even if you couldn't make this year's event, you can still view the golf program. The program was handed out to everyone at the event and was circulated at DS Headquarters. If you'd like a copy of your own, please email us at info@dsfoundation.org
This year marks the 31st anniversary of this awesome event! We are looking forward to seeing everyone at this year’s event to be held on Monday June 6, 2022, at the Lansdowne Golf Club
Registration opens February 15, 2022.
A special thanks to our amazing sponsor PAE for lending us their employee, Sean Lambert, to be our photographer for the day. I think you will agree that he did an amazing job. Here are just a few photos of the wonderful photos he took, be sure to visit our photo gallery for many more: 2021 PHOTO GALLERY